Food & Beverage

Meet the industry requirements

Our services within food & beverage cover all activities related to industrial processing and marketing of foods, including quality systems to help you meet important food safety regulations.

Avoid unpleasant surprises

Compliance and regulations make heavy demands on even the smallest components in the food factories. On this page, you can read how you can benefit from our 30 years of experience from the food industry and a total economic approach, which increases both safety and efficiency in your company.


Any questions or do you want to know more?

Contact Head of Food & Beverage Scandinavia, Lars Lange Andersen at +45 40 64 12 16 or per email


Different article numbers

You will find everything from lighting and tools to the most vital spare parts that ensure that your production avoids downtime.

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Reliability of delivery

Our core competence is our logistics setup. If you do business with Solar, we can therefore guarantee a high reliability of delivery.

Read about logistics


Extra value

Our customers in the food industry typically find up to 25% new value by using a total economic approach to the sourcing setup.

Read more about TCO
We have reduced the stock value by approximately 100,000 DKK on a yearly basis SOURCING MANAGER PRODUCTION AT NILFISK FOOD, TIM DALLGAARD
Nilfisk food

Nilfisk streamlines the stock management via outsourcing

Nilfisk Food streamlined their stock, after implementing a delivery model that automatically monitors the stock and reorders as needed.

Read the Nilfisk case
Total cost of ownership

Get up to 25% extra value with TCO

With a total economic approach and a strong partnership, we can together find new value in your sourcing setup. For example by optimizing purchase and logistics, reducing administration, lower the general consumption and reduce capital tied up in stock.

Read more about TCO

When one supplier is enough

The Danish food producer Flensted has optimized its purchasing system together with Solar. By making the total cost (TCO) visible, increased transparency and better control have been achieved.