Information on and terms of newsletters

When you say "yes" to receive our newsletter and electronic marketing material by email and SMS, you agree to the terms below. The same applies if you participate in one of our competitions.

1. Consent to electronic marketing
When you sign up for our newsletter, you also agree that Solar A/S (hereinafter Solar, "we", "us" or "our") may send you emails (and text messages) with marketing within electricity, plumbing, industry, trades, courses, events and other news from Solar.

You can revoke your consent to receive electronic marketing material at any time.

2. Who sends out the electronic marketing
The newsletter and other electronic marketing material is a service offered by:

Solar A/S,CVR: 15908416, Industrivej Vest 43, 6600 Vejen

You can contact us via our e-mail: or by phone: 76 52 75 40 (West Denmark) or 76 52 79 20 (East Denmark) during our opening hours, which are Monday-Thursday: 07.00-16.00, Friday 07.00-14.00.

You will only receive marketing material from Solar.

3. What information is collected about me?
When you sign up for our newsletter, we collect your e-mail, your name, possibly your telephone number (if specified), your IP address and the time of your registration – this is all we need to be able to send you newsletters etc. by e-mail and SMS as well as to be able to document that you have signed up for Solar's news service.

In addition, you can choose to provide us with additional information so that we can personalize your user experience even more.

We use the third-party service Pardot, which is part of Salesforce inc. (hereinafter Salesforce), to send our newsletters by email and possibly by SMS. Through your use of newsletters, Salesforce collects additional information about you and the use of our newsletters. The information includes, among other things, whether our newsletter is opened, how long the email is open, when our newsletters are opened, whether and when links are clicked, and when the email is deleted again. In addition, you should be aware that if you click on links in the newsletter to our website, we may collect additional information about you if you accept that our website uses cookies. You can find further information about our use of cookies in our cookie policy.

Salesforce also collects information about the device and applications you use to access emails (newsletters) we send through Salesforce, such as your email address, operating system, browser ID, and other information about your system and internet connection.

4. How is information about me collected?
In addition to the information you provide to us, we use our newsletter through Salesforce's cookies and other tracking technologies such as web beacons. By agreeing to our terms, you agree that Salesforce may use cookies and other tracking technologies to generate information as set forth above. The detailed use of cookies is described in Salesforce's terms.

5. What do we use your information for?
When you sign up for our newsletter, we use your e-mail (and possibly your phone number, if you have provided this) to send newsletters, events and other marketing material to you within electrical, plumbing, industry and trade. We may also use your e-mail (and possibly your phone number) to send informational e-mails and text messages about Solar or our newsletter. We use your name to personalize our material for you.

We use the information we collect about you and about the use of our newsletter via Salesforce to evaluate our email campaigns and target our mailings to you, and to generally improve our service so that we can become even better at targeting and adapting content to your interests in the future.

We use information about your IP address and time of registration to document that you have consented to receive newsletters and other electronic marketing material from us.

The basis for our processing of your personal data is Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (the balancing of interests rule). Our legitimate interest in processing your information is that we will comply with your wish to receive our newsletters that you have consented to.

6. Sharing your personal data with others
We do not disclose your information to others for commercial purposes.

As a main rule, we do not disclose the information we receive about you to others. However, we may disclose the information to one or more of our related companies in order to respond to your inquiry.

We also disclose your personal data to data processors when this is a prerequisite for fulfilling the purpose. Our data processors only process your personal data for our purposes and on our instructions. We try to limit the disclosure of data in personally identifiable form and thus the disclosure of information that can be attributed to you personally.

We disclose information if we are required to do so by law or if we are required to do so by court order.

7. Transfer of personal data to countries outside the eu/eea
In connection with our processing of your personal data, we may transfer the information to countries outside the EU/EEA.

We use the Pardot service to send newsletters. Pardot is provided by Salesforce and is based in the United States. Salesforce stores and processes personal data for us as a data processor, and we have entered into a written data processing agreement to ensure that your personal data is only processed in accordance with our documented instructions and in a confidential manner, and that appropriate security measures have been taken against your information being compromised.

In connection with our use of Salesforce, your personal data will be transferred to the United States. The European Commission has assessed that the level of protection in the USA is not on a par with the level of protection in the EU/EEA. The transfer of personal data to Salesforce is therefore based on the EU Commission's standard contractual clauses, which are designed specifically to ensure an adequate level of protection when transferring personal data to the United States.

You can read more about the transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA on the EU Commission's website.

If you would like further information about our transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA, you are welcome to contact us at our contact information above.

8. How often are newsletters sent?
We send our newsletter to you when we think we have something important or new to tell you. The newsletter is published approx. once a week within the various segments around electricity, plumbing, industry, ventilation, trade and climate/energy. Therefore, it varies how often you can expect to receive newsletters from us, as it is different for the segments in question when newsletters are sent.

9. You can always correct or change your contact information
The contact information (your e-mail, name and, if applicable, telephone number) can be changed or corrected at any time by sending an e-mail to in which you indicate change requests.

It is described below how to unsubscribe from our newsletter and any competitions.

10. You can unsubscribe from our newsletters or any competitions at any time
You can withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. Once you have unsubscribed from the newsletter, you will not receive any further electronic marketing material from us unless you have given your consent otherwise.

The newsletter can be unsubscribed by clicking on the "unsubscribe newsletter" link contained in each newsletter you receive from us. You can also unsubscribe from the newsletter by sending an email to stating your name and email.

11. How long do you keep the information about me?
We store and process your information for as long as you are subscribed to our newsletter.

In accordance with the Danish Consumer Ombudsman's guidelines and requirements, we store documentation of your consent to send you marketing material by e-mail (and possibly SMS) until two years after we last used your consent/the consent is revoked. The information we store for this purpose is your e-mail, possibly your telephone number (if provided), IP address and time of registration and unsubscribing.

Our processing takes place on the basis of Article 6(1)(c) or 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, as we are directly obliged to carry out the processing and as we have a substantial interest in being able to document that we comply with section 10 of the Danish Marketing Practices Act. We will then delete the personal data about you.
If you unsubscribe from our newsletter, all statistical data about your use of the newsletter will be anonymized. The anonymization takes place in such a way that it is not subsequently possible to remove the anonymization of the information again.

12. Your information is treated confidentially and secure
We keep your information confidential and secure. We have implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures against your information being accidentally or illegally destroyed, lost or impaired, as well as against it coming to the knowledge of unauthorized persons, being misused or otherwise processed in violation of the data protection rules.

13. Your other rights under data protection legislation
As a data subject, you have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. If you want to exercise your rights, please contact us.

You may – unconditionally and at any time – withdraw your consent. You can do so by sending us an email (see email address above). Withdrawal of your consent will not have any negative impact. However, this may mean that we cannot meet specific requests from you in the future. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before it is withdrawn. Furthermore, it will not affect any processing carried out on another lawful basis.

You can also – unconditionally and at any time – object to our processing when it is based on our legitimate interests.

Your rights also include the following:

Right of access: You have the right to access the personal data we process about you.

Right to rectification: You have the right to obtain rectification of any inaccurate and incomplete personal data about you.

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten): In exceptional cases, you have the right to obtain erasure of information about you before the time when we would normally delete your personal data.

Right to restriction of processing: In certain situations, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. If you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data, we may only process personal data in the future – apart from storage – with your consent, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or to protect an individual or important public interests.

Right to object: In certain situations, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, and always if the processing is for direct marketing purposes.

Right to data portability: In certain situations, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have such personal data transferred from one data controller to another.

Right to lodge a complaint: You can lodge a complaint at any time with The Danish Data Protection Supervisory Authority

The Danish data protection supervisory authority is lead-authority regarding processing of personal data in Solar Group cf. the on-stop-shop-mechanism cf. the GDPR article 4 (23) on cross-border processing of personal data. Contact information for the Danish Data Protection Supervisory Authority is: Datatilsynet,, Phone: +45 33 19 32 00,