Commercial partnerships

We are your marketing department

We stand stronger together.

On this site, you'll find information about the partnerships we offer you as our customer. Whether you work within the electrical or heating and plumbing industry, we have a team of skilled professionals to help you boost your business.

VVS Mester

For heating and plumbing contractors in Denmark

Get access to several unique advantages like local newspaper ads, banners for your company van and sales materials. You'll become visible in your local market without the hard work. This will surely free up time for you to do what you do best

Visit vvs mester website

Get a valuable recommendation

The VVS Mester website will be an easy way for your customers to get in touch with you, and a unique chance for you to increase sales of materials as well as energy checks etc. We vouch for the VVS Mester partners, as they have undergone our professional training courses, which guarantees your customer a satisfying result

What local offers apply to you?

VVS Mester is a unique offer for our Danish customers. Go to your local Solar website to learn more about what we have to offer you

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Sikringen strengthens competitiveness and profitability of its members. You benefit from economics of scale, quality marketing and branding Jan Willy Fjellvær, MD Solar Norway

The best electricians in Norway - Sikringen

Sikringen consists of approximately 160 member companies with over 2,000 electricians around the country, from small electrical installers to large electrical contractors. The members are independent companies who have chosen a close collaboration with Solar Norge AS. Through us, this network of electricians has access to modern technology, knowledge and the best suppliers in the market. The members update their skills through courses in Solar Academy

Go to Sikringen's website

Blue Install - a strong focus on digital marketing

A partnership between Danish electrical contractors and Solar Danmark
You get access to an efficient marketing platform focusing on digital initiatives and social media. This platform achieves visibility for you as a contractor and Blue Install as an entity. A strong partnership with Solar Danmark also gives you access to special training offers.

Security, trust and professionalism
As a Blue Install contractor, you'll live up to a range of uncompromising demands regarding education, quality control and performance. This stamp of approval and guaranteed quality will make you the safe choice for your customers.

Go to Blue Install website
We place the Blue Install banner in shop windows to signal our partnership Anders Dall Nielsen, Agerbæk El Service