Solar Webshop

Searching, ordering and tendering made easy

Easy and quick access to our huge product range
Our intelligent search function and your list of favourite products will make ordering and reordering convenient and easy. Suggestions for similar and related products will save time. You can even save your unfinished orders for later.

We deliver day-to-day
If you place your order before 6 pm, it'll be delivered the next morning.

Customised for you
Your personalised front page shows your open orders, offers and tracking of your deliveries. Create your own favourites lists – general or for specific projects.

Documentation made easy
Solar Webshop can be used for creating technical product documentation. It makes it easy to share documentation with customers and colleagues. And to bring the documentation with you to the building site or wherever you need it.

Everyone has access – on your terms
Create and manage your own users in Solar Webshop. Give people the needed access and delegate tasks.

Order on the go

Solar Webshop is also available via your smartphone and tablet. Read more about Solar Mobile and find links for download

Solar Danmark


Solar Nederland


Solar Norge


Solar Sverige